Don Salvador Benedicto, Summer Capital of Negros Occidental

“Salvador Benedicto was founded on February 9, 1983 upon the approval of Batas Pambansa Bilang 336 by the President of the Philippines, the legislation authored by Batasang Pambansa members Alfonso Garcia and Jose Valera, Jr.  It acquired its name in honor of the late Vice Governor Salvadro Benedicto who was part in settling the Revolutionary Government of Negros Island at the area (Barangay Igmaya-an) during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines last World War II.” – DonSalvadorBenedicto.Gov.Ph
Pine Trees. One of the best projects of this town. Very serene and or quiet. There is a “Baguio-vibe” that you will definitely love! 
Here’s another photo with my co-TRTs. Fun fun fun!
The Lion’s head of Bacolod City Lion’s Club. See? “Baguio-vibe.” Lol. Well, actually, locals called this city as “Little Baguio” because of the same weather: fresh and cold.
DSB also features man-made rice terraces, caves, and falls. This waterfalls is Malatan-og falls, found near boundary area of DSB and San Carlos. It’s so majestic even I can only see it from a far.
I went here twice but in all, it was just a hasty travel. It did rain the first time; a lack of time on the second. But hopefully, when time comes perfectly, I will try my best to visit all of their amazing falls and caves. I think on that time, Don Salvador Benedicto is listed in the top five destinations in Negros.
I know it’s too late. But.. it is better to be late than never, right? This travel was amazing and fulfilling for me. Travelling with a 500-peso bill was an experience of God’s indescribable work in my journey. I guessed faith in Him and myself were the things I put in my mind and heart. [read more]

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